This month's program will be on the EZNEC-ARRL antenna modeling software furnished with the last several editions of the ARRL Antenna Handbook. Jim Streible, K4DLI and Chuck Catledge, AE4CW will walk us through the rudimentary steps in designing basic antennas using the EZNEC-ARRL software. If you have a copy of the EZNEC-ARRL or full version EZNEC software please bring your copies and a laptop computer to this month's meeting and learn the basic steps for designing antennas and some finer points for improving your own antenna farm. Users of EZNEC-ARRL versions 3 or 4 should get the latest updates for their program. Also, if you do not have a copy of the EZNEC software you can go to Roy Lewellen's, W7EL website and download a free demo EZNEC version 5.0. Best of all you do not necessarily need to bring a computer to the meeting to learn about the advantages of modeling antennas. So, don't miss this opportunity to add to your learning experience and have another tool that will help you optimize your station on-the-air.