John started in the hobby at twelve years old as a Short Wave Listener. Allied with an interest in electronics, this led to taking the Radio Amateur Examination and Morse code test at the age of fifteen. Licensed in September 1979 as G4IRN, he was only active for about three or four years before other activities became priorities in life. He holds US Extra class license N4IRN (but has used it only once!) In 2001, John put a new home station together and contacted local hams who rejuvenated his interest in CW DXing and contesting. These are the areas where John's amateur radio interests now lie. Since coming back into the hobby, John has chased DX and operated at the DX end with call-signs 7P8RN, C56/G4IRN, S79IRN, FH/G4IRN, 3DA�RN, ZS6/G4IRN, 9H3RN, TZ6RN, ZB2/G4IRN, EA9/G4IRN, TF/G4IRN, G4IRN/VK6, and 5B/G4IRN amongst others. He has been a guest-op at P3F, HV�A, and 1A�KM, is a regular operator in the RSGB's contest team GR2HQ, and is a member of the Voodoo Contest Group, operating from TZ5A, 3X5A, and EL2A in the CQWW CW contest. In March of 2013, John will be part of the team operating from Easter Island as XR�YG. John is a freelance IT Service Management consultant and lives just outside London, England with his wife Janet.