Program:  QSLing, LOTW and You

Presented by:
Bill Barr, N4NX

Our February program will be "QSLing, LoTW and You", presented by long-time club member Bill Barr, N4NX.  As you may know, Bill is an ARRL DXCC card checker as well as outgoing card manager for the ARRL QSL Bureau service.  This qualifies him as a real expert in QSL matters.  But the focus of his presentation will be the Logbook of the World (LoTW).

While for many of us nothing will replace the thrill of going to the mailbox and finding a QSL from a contact in some rare QTH, there are many advantages to receiving QSO confirmations via LOTW.  And when it comes to band fills for the DXCC Challenge, LoTW is a necessity.  As part of his program, Bill will explain how to successfully sign up for LoTW, how to receive confirmations from other stations using LOTW and how to upload your logs to LoTW.  In addition, he will explain just what to do when errors occur and how to utilize LoTW confirmations for DXCC submission.  As a master of paper QSL success, Bill will also give his top ten tips on how to obtain those special confirmations on paper.  In addition to helping all of us ease the path to LoTW, this program should be very useful to new and prospective HF DXers planning to chase their first DXCC certificate.