Program:  NH8S - The Swains Island 2012 DXpedition

Presented by:
Joe Blackwell, AA4NN

First licensed in 1955 as K5GFN, Joe moved to the Carolinas in 1963 and became AA4NN in 1977.  He holds or has held the calls 3D2NN, 3DAØNN, 7P8NN, A25NN, A31NN, C6A/AA4NN, C91NN, C91F, E51EEE, K5ESE, K5GFN, T30NN, T33NN, TI7/AA4NN, VU3JLW, VU4AN/VU3JLW, XY4NN, ZS3NN, ZS6/AA4NN.  He operated at W5HGT, the Louisiana Tech ARC, 1957-1960.

He is a member of ARRL, NCDXF, INDEXA, GDXF, CWops, A-1 Op, Carolina CW Ops, and Carolina DX Association.  He is a former manager of the ARRL 4th Incoming QSL Bureau and continues to sort the letters "A" and "X" while his wife, Margarett, sorts letter "H".

He is proud to have been a team member of 3D2R, BQ9P, BS7H, BV9L, C6DX, C91F, K4M Midway, T33C, TI9KK, TO5DX, VU4AN, VU7RG, XYØTA, XY3C.