Founded: 1958

Atlanta, GA

SEDXC meetings are held online via ZOOM TeleConferencing. The meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00p Eastern time. Click HERE to learn about ZOOM, how to log in, and to view some of our prior ZOOM meetings.
This Month's Program
Last Month's Program
Support Youth Participation on DXpeditions and Remember Bob K4UEE
SEDXC has partnered with the International DX Association (INDEXA) to remember Bob Alphin, K4UEE. Bob wished to promote and support youth in DXing & DXPeditioning. To those ends, INDEXA has made this a goal and SEDXC has partnered with INDEXA through a one-year match of our members' contributions to INDEXA in memory of K4UEE and acknowledgement of his goal.
On July 1st 2025, INDEXA will inform us of the total amount of SEDXC member contributions to the K4UEE fund. In this coming program year's SEDXC budget, we will set a match figure for what we can match up to. If you wish to participate, here is what to do:
Go to: INDEXA Application
Click the "Donate" checkbox.
Complete the basics, name, address, call, etc.
Under REMARKS, indicate that you are (1) a member of the Southeastern DX Club, & (2) you wish your donation to go to the K4UEE Memorial Fund
Any questions? Click HERE to email me.
Thank you very much, 73 & GUD DX, Jeff / K1ZN, Treasurer
Author! Author! A number of our SEDXC Members are published authors. Check them out HERE!
The most recently published SEDXC member authors are:
Southeastern DX Club member writes a book on HR Tips & Tales!
 Hal Kennedy N4GG |
Click HERE to read about it and order yours!
Southeastern DX Club member writes a book on DXing!
 Jeff Cantor K1ZN |
Click HERE to read about it and order yours!
The SEDXC and ClubLog
The SEDXC is registered as an official club on clublog.org
Now, when SEDXC members use ClubLog (you ARE using ClubLog, aren't you?!?) the club will get credit for your QSOs and DXCC credits/ranking.
In order for this to work, each member must add the SEDXC to their club listing on ClubLog. It's easy to do.
Don't have a ClubLog (free) account or don't have it linked to the SEDXC Club League? Click HERE and do it right now!
The SEDXC Groups.IO Forum/Reflector
Join this Groups.IO forum for SEDXC members. Just click HERE to join.
This is a great way to communicate to everyone in the SEDXC at once. Give it a try!
Powerpoint Meeting Presentations
Many of the powerpoint presentations given by guest speakers are available in .pdf form on the website.
Just click HERE to see what's there.
The Member Gallery
A bunch of new member pictures have recently been added to the Member Gallery. If your picture isn't there, please check the page for how to submit one; we want all SEDXC members to be pictured!
NOTE: Until further notice, all SEDXC meetings will be via ZOOM Teleconferencing. Click HERE to learn how to participate.
Thursday, March 20 - 7:00pm
Click HERE to learn how to use ZOOM.
Meeting dates for 2025 are as follows:
(Click any highlighted date to see the program for the meeting)
2025 |
January 16 |
February 20 |
March 20 |
April 17 |
May 15 |
June 19 |
July 17 |
August 21 |
September 18 |
October 16 |
November 20 |
Holiday Party December |
And, for historical purposes, click HERE for the meeting schedules from 2004 through the present.
SEDXC Officers, 2024 - 2025:
Elected officers:
President: |
Vice President : |
Secretary: |
Treasurer: |
Activities Manager: |
Appointed functions:
Bulletin Editor: |
Webmaster: |
The Southeastern DX Club was formed in 1958 by a group of hams in the Atlanta, Georgia area recognizing a growing need to supplement regular radio clubs with a specialized club for DXers. If you have any interest in DX'ing, drop into one of our club meetings and check us out.
Click to send questions or comments to the Webmaster: