Program:  Navassa Island (KP1) Re-visited

Presented by:
Dave Johnson, K4SSU

With the sunspot count starting to increase (at last, our opportunities for working more exotic DX entities increases. However, it is always enjoyable to revisit some of the past exotic and desirable DXpeditions.

Our January program will provide an opportunity to make just such a revisit.  Navassa (KP1) remains high on the most wanted DX entities having been visited by the ham radio community since 1948 only approximately six times.  Fortunately, several SEDXC members have been operators on two of the most recent Navassa DXpeditions.

Dave Johnson, K4SSU was party to one of the DXpeditions and will provide us "Another Look At Navassa" with some new photographs many of us have not had the pleasure of seeing.  Along with Dave's personal experiences and a photo tour of the Navassa operation, this will provide for an enjoyable and informative program.