Program:  DXpeditioning from a YL's Perspective

Presented by:
Ann Santos, WA1S

Ann was a member of the team that recently activated T33A - Banaba Island.

Ann was originally licensed in Rhode Island in 1979 (Extra since 1980).  She enjoys DXing, contesting, CW, and DXpeditions.  She holds DXCC #1 Honor Roll Mixed and SSB with 349 worked and 349 entities confirmed. She holds DXCC Honor Roll CW.  Her other hobbies include Scuba Diving (Rescue Diver), photography, motorcycles and cycling.  She has a BS degree in Computer Engineering and works as an Electronics Engineer.

She moved to Georgia from New Hampshire in June of 2009.  An Air Force brat, she has lived in seven states - SC, AK (Alaska), MD, RI, MA, NH, and now GA.  The last two moves (NH and GA) were due to her work.

Call-Signs/DXpeditions: 3D2AC (2013), T33A (2013), PJ7/WA1S (2008), TO4X (2008), TX5C (2008 Clipperton Atoll first YL), CU2/WA1S (2007), PW5J (WRTC 2006), PP5/WA1S (2006), P4/WA1S (2006), P41S (2006),K7C (2005 Kure Atoll first YL), VP9/WA1S (2004), VP9I (2004), 8N1OGA (2002 Ogasawara), K5K (2000 Kingman Reef first YL), T32R (2000), KH5/WA1S (2000), V63HO (1998), V63X (1998), VK9WY (1997), VK4AMS (1997), J38AA (1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007), J3A (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007), J3/WA1S (1999, 2000), J39A (1996)