Program:  Solo DXpeditions to 3C7A and TL8AO

Presented by:
Ken Opscark, LA7GIA

Our speaker for the January 19, 2017 meeting is Ken Opscar, LA7GIA.

Ken is becoming a well-known solo DXpeditioner having activated 7Q-Malawi, D67-Comoros, 3C-Equatorial Guinea and TL-Central African Republic...all in the last 24 months.

Organizing, traveling, setting up, navigating the on-site political surprises while making more than 10,000 QSOs is a significant undertaking. Ken has proven that he quite good at figuring out how to make this work while have a great time with ham radio. Ken�s presentation will focus on his 3C and TL adventures from March and November of 2016. Among the topics he will cover are: Why do one-man DXpeditions?; Why to these locations?; Some unique cultural and political challenges, and; How to make 13K + QSOs in less than nine days with a minimal station.

Ken discovered amateur radio while studying at Trondheim University in Norway. He has lived in and around Oslo while traveling extensively for ham and professional purposes. Ken enjoys CW DXing and contesting and mostly operates on the 40-10m CW bands.  Professionally he is an Electrical Power Engineer working with and consulting for power companies globally.

Side note: Rather than ask for financial support for his DXpedition to TL, Ken chose to request donations to Doctors Without Borders in the Central African Republic. Receipts to date exceed $10,000. If you would like to contribute, visit this site: HERE.