Dick is a graduate of the University of Tennessee and is a Professional Engineer.� He spent most of his work career in North Carolina designing automation and machine control systems. His ham activities have included interest in VHF/UHF frequencies, using moon bounce, meteor scatter, and other weak signal modes. His main interests in retirement are chasing DX on the HF bands and employing microprocessor devices in his station. In addition to ham radio, Dick's hobbies include sailing and fishing.� His Club Log Help Desk involvement began in late 2019 and he became a member of SEDXC within the last two years. According to Dick, �The presentation is built a bit on the talk that Michael G7VJR did for IDXC last year... but directed more toward the home user. There are an awful lot of cool tricks on Club Log that are fun to use. I think more folks should take advantage of them�.