Program:  One Antenna, Eleven Bands

Presented by:
Jim Worthington, AD4J

Jim started his ham career in 1966 as WN4EKY in Norfolk.  He began chasing DX in high school two years later.  Initially, it was with an HW-32A and a dipole.  Summer job money all went to upgrading the antenna system to a 50' tower and two-element quad.  While attending the University of Virginia, Jim was active in the W4UVA club.  There he became friends with K3ZM, younger brother of K1ZM/VY2ZM, who introduced him to serious contesting.  They still contest together thirty years later, most often from the Caribbean in CQ WW.

Besides DX'ing and contesting, Jim currently enjoys QRP, building gear, CW, and anything related to antennas.  His club affiliations include the NOGA, ARCI, and NAQCC QRP groups, CWops, SECC, and SEDXC.  He has served as President of SECC and Vice-President of SEDXC.