Program: Contesting at 9A1A with two Rednecks in Tow..
Presented by:
 Charlie Wooten NF4A |
 Paul Newberry N4PN |
9A1A is the club call of the Croatian DX Club. It was established when Croatia separated from Yugoslavia and became an independent country after the fall of the Iron Curtain. 9A1A has won many awards including #1 in the World Multi-Multi in the ARRL DX contest, CQWW DX contest and many more. The club station is located Zagreb, the capital of Croatia in the Jarun Lake area of Zagreb. The contest station is located in the small village of Kozjaca about 30 miles SW of Zagreb. The contest station is located there because of the high ground conductivity discovered in World War II.
The club has a membership of about 30. Some of the equipment used at both the club and contest locations includes equipment that was �liberated� from a Serbian army communications facility during the Serbian/Croatian war in the 90s. 9A1A is active in most HF contest on CW, SSB and RTTY. The club is also heavily involved teaching ham radio and ham radio contesting to young people at the Technical school Rudjera Boskovica in Zagreb�.the club call at the school is 9A1RBZ.
Charlie and Paul are long-time DXers and members of the SEDXC.