Program:  DXpedition to Robinson Crusoe/Juan Fernandez CBØZA

Presented by:
Hal Turley W8HC

          Hal Turley W8HC

Hal, W8HC was first licensed in 1967 but didn’t become active as a DXer until the mid-1980s.  He is #1 DXCC Honor Roll with 350 entities confirmed and 10-band DXCC.

Hal enjoys being on the DX side of the pileup participating in several DXpeditions over the past eleven years including: NH8S, VK9WA, K5P, VP6R, 3YØZ and KL7RRC.  In the past year he was on the K7K activation of Kiska Island, JWØA, 9G4X, VP5/W8HC, KH8RRC, CBØZA and one of the remote members of the recent VP6A Ducie DXpedition using the Radio in a Box (RIB) technology.

In addition to DXpeditions, he has operated from several locations around the world including six CQWW Contests from 4X.  Hal currently serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of INDEXA.

The ZOOM meeting starts at 7:00pm.  Here's a link to a ZOOM how-to document.