Jeff Cantor, K1ZN

In this DX operating guide, Jeff Cantor, K1ZN shows how to effectively use your radio transceiver, logging software and Internet resources to experience the thrill and satisfaction of being able to communicate anywhere in the world.
Most everyone has dreamed of using distant radio communication (DXing) to talk with people in interesting and distant lands. This book helps make that a reality, describing the antenna, transceiver, amplifiers, propagation prediction tools and radio operating protocols used for successfully making DX contacts.
In addition to the equipment requirements, Jeff draws on his many years of DXing to highlight: signal propagation characteristics, spotting clusters and other resources used for finding DX stations. Once contacts have been made, the fine points of QSLing and applying for DX award programs are described. For those looking for something more, there is the challenge of working DX on the Top and Magic Bands, and the excitement of working QRP.
This book has been written expressly to help you enjoy the DXing hobby by successfully outfitting your station, completing contacts and applying for awards.
- Working the World
- Becoming a DXer
- DX Spotting Clusters
- Working Pileups and Operating Split
- DX Code of Conduct
- Lessons from DXpeditions
- Transceivers and Options Selection Criteria
- Antennas and Towers
- Power Amplifiers, how much is enough?
- Using Contests to Catch DX
- DX Nets and Call Lists
- Understanding and using Propagation Predictions
- Beacons and Reverse Beacon Networks
- Online Spotting Programs and Operating Resources
- QSL Logging and Contesting Software
- QSL Bureaus
- QSLing Direct, how to get a card back
- DXCC & IOTA Card Checking
- DXing Award Programs, certificates and plaques
- Top Band / 160 Meter Band DXing
- Magic Band / 6 Meter DXing
- Operating QRP
- DX Clubs and Other Support Organizations
- ISBN-978-1517761196
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