Program:  Build Web-Based Station Control & Automation Dashboards with Node Red

Presented by:
Kyle Krieg AAØZ

          Kyle Krieg AAØZ

Node Red is an easy-to-learn flow-based programming language that allows ham radio operators to build simple web based dashboards which provide command, control and automation in their ham shack.  In this presentation we will learn how to get started with Node Red, what you can control and some example dashboards.  We will also review some tips and tricks to get you started quickly.  There are some amazing things you can do with Node Red in your ham shack to help automate your daily process of operating your radio, amp, tuner, rotator and beyond!  No programming experience necessary as there are ham radio flows already programmed for major manufactures to get you started.

Kyle was licensed in 1995 as KBØRPM and previously held NØKTK.  Kyle enjoys operating portable and expedition style in contests, but loves a good multi-op.  He is currently a member of the ARRL, St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club, Society of Midwest Contesters, Elayer Contest Club, Mississippi Valley DX & Contest Club and Long Island CW Club.  When not on the radio, he likes to play pickleball and tennis, play the piano, make ham radio YouTube videos and geek out on the latest technology.  Kyle works in IT for his day job.