Program:  Behind-the-Scenes Action of a DXpedition Pilot

Presented by:
Glenn Petri, KE4KYI

Glenn entered Amateur Radio in 1975 at the age of twelve, initially licensed as WN4CSH.  � Upon earning subsequent license class upgrades, he received the call of WA4CSH.  � He obtained his Amateur Extra Class license in 2007 and shortly thereafter obtained his current call of KE4KY.

Glenn is an active radio contest participant and DX enthusiast.  He has been a DXpedition operator at: ZL9HR Campbell Island 2012, VK9MT Mellish Reef 2014 and an Off-island team member of the recent TX3X Chesterfield Islands 2015.

Glenn has several amateur radio affiliations that include: ARRL (Life Member); CWops (Life Member); Perseverance DX Group; Kentucky DX Association; Bullitt Amateur Radio Society; Shackapulco DX & Contest Group; INDEXA; NCDXF; QCWA; SKCC; FISTS.�