Directions to the meeting:
We meet in the Rich Auditorium of Piedmont Hospital.
The address of the hospital is 1969 Peachtree Road; the GPS coordinates are: N33 48.469 W84 23.623
Once you're at Piedmont Hospital, here's how to find the Rich Auditorium:
Free parking, if you are coming
from Peachtree west on Collier Road, turn right AFTER the McDonnell
Out Patient Surgical Center. You might also see a sign at that
entrance that says ODC--Outpatient Diagnostic Clinic. You
need to turn right in the road AFTER the ODC. |
Drive straight through the complex past the 95 Building (first building on your
right) and into the North Deck; the entrance is straight ahead. Park
in there somewhere; you will likely be going up several levels. Use the stairs or elevator to come down to street level. When you do, enter the building to your left (East), find the elevator and go up one level to the "M"ezzanine. Follow the signs to the Richard Rich Auditorium.
Be sure to bring your parking ticket to the meeting and get it stamped so you can exit without a fee.
Hope to see you at the meeting!

John Tramontanis, N4TOL