Program:  A Suitcase DXpedition

Presented by:
Wey Walker, K8EAB

In February 2009, eight hams from all over the US converged to go on a one-week DXpedition to the Island of St. Martin in the Caribbean.  Their goal was to work lots of stations from all over the world using only the radio equipment that could fit into two 50-pound (or less) suitcases for each person.

They operated from both the French (FS) and Dutch (PJ7) sides of the Island, and several of their group made a side-trip to Saba Island (PJ6).

No amplifiers, no towers, no beams ... just 5 to 100 watt transceivers and The Buddipole Antenna system.

Weymouth (Wey) Walker K8EAB from Cumming, GA was a member of this DXpedition.  He will give a brief slide presentation and, time permitting, offer the members the option of viewing the video of their Suitcase DXpedition.

How did they do?  Come to the September SEDXC meeting to find out ! ! !