Program:  DXCC History and Updates

Presented by:
Dick Baxter K5TF

          Dick Baxter K5TF

Dick was licensed in November 1958 as KN5TFG, while recovering from near-death childhood accident at the age of 13.  He upgraded to General Class in January 1960, K5TFG.  His father, Jack Baxter, W5FRM was a DXer, and Dick followed in his footsteps, confirming four entities during his Novice year.  Dick received DXCC (Mixed #5975) in February, 1962, and currently 347/329, just two away from Honor Roll (He says that he hopes to live long enough to get 'em!).  Over the years he has upgraded to Advanced in 1973, and Amateur Extra in 1975.  He applied for two-letter call in 1977 and was issued K5TF!  Dick has served on the DX Advisory Committee as Southeastern Division Representative for over three years after being asked by Division Director Mickey Baker to replace Dave Thompson K4JRB (SK).

Many of you are passionate about the DXCC program.  This presentation will allow each of us to hear from Dick about the DXCC program and his role in the DXAC.